

Greetings from the Director



古代ギリシア・ローマ世界では、正義はポリス(都市国家)に生きる個々人に内在する美徳としてとらえられていましたが、近代になり、ポリスや個々人を超え普遍的に通用する正義が存在するとの信念が共有されました。その典型例が人権思想です。 本資料館は、法と正義、人権の理念について歴史的そして理論的に検討する「常設展」を設けます。正義、人権の実現のため人々は行動し、その実現を勝ち得ました。普遍的正義というものは、黙っていても実現するものではありません。正義や人権の実現のためには、個々人の行動が必要です。本資料館は、正義の実現、人権の保護のために行動された方々にも「企画展」を通じて焦点をあてることにします。


Laws aren’t just rules dictated by those in power. Laws are about establishing what is right. Their legitimacy is rooted in justice. The Law and Justice Museum aims to serve as a resource center providing visitors with opportunities to reflect on the intricacies of law and justice. In the ancient Greek and Roman worlds, justice was regarded as a personal virtue found in individuals living in the city-state. In the modern era, however, we’ve come to embrace the notion that justice is universal, extending beyond both the individual and the city-state. An archetypal example of this is the idea of human rights.

Step inside this museum, and you’ll find a permanent exhibit delving into the historical and theoretical aspects of law, justice and human rights. You will see that justice and human rights have been realized only through the actions of people who took a stand and fought to achieve these goals. Universal justice and human rights do not come about in silence; they require action. Going forward, the museum will organize special temporary exhibits showcasing the achievements of individuals who worked tirelessly for the realization of justice and the safeguarding of human rights.

How did our predecessors contemplate law and justice? How did they navigate their actions? The exhibits here are designed to provoke thought about these and other important questions. We hope the museum sparks your curiosity and encourages you to reflect on the complexities surrounding law and justice during your visit.
