Faculty of Global Management

CHOI, Suna


Name CHOI, Suna
Year of Enrollment September 2020

Please describe your hometown.

I am from Seoul, South Korea. Seoul, where I was born and raised, is a dynamic and attractive city. As the center of K-pop and K-dramas, there are many diverse cultures and entertainment facilities. Also, it is famous for its delicious food, so I recommend you to try many Korean foods when you come to Korea. As a city where historical sites and modern architecture coexist, there are many colorful tourist attractions.

Among different universities in Japan, why did you choose the Faculty of Global Management at Chuo University?

I found it fascinating that I could learn business and management in both Japanese and English. I thought studying in a global environment with friends of various nationalities was an advantage that only the GLOMAC at Chuo University could have. Also, I found the curriculum at GLOMAC really interesting and unique. Especially, I believe that the course like Global Studies, which is studying with universities abroad is a thing that you can only experience in GLOMAC.

What do you find interesting at GLOMAC?

I think the three-year in seminar and writing graduation thesis with my exchange year broaden academic perspective of my student life. While studying ESG management and the automobile industry at the seminar, I felt that I want to learn more about this sector and this made me to decide to go exchange study abroad in Germany. I continued my academic journey in Germany, and after I came back to Japan, I wrote my Graduation thesis about German Start-up companies based on my experience. It was very fun and helpful to study by interacting with the professor and friends for three years every week.

What are the challenges of international students in Japan?

I think the biggest difficulty is being away from family and friends back home. But don't worry, you can make a lot of friends in GLOMAC as well.

If you could explain GLOMAC in 3 words, what would they be?

Global, Unique, Leader

What are your study or career plans for the future?

I am working as a long-term full-time intern at an automobile company in Japan from February. After that, I will go to graduate school in Europe and keep go on a deeper study journey. I believe that the experience gained through GLOMAC will be of great help.

Do you have any advice for international students who think of entering GLOMAC?

There are many opportunities to improve your Japanese skills even after entering the school, so don't worry too much. Apply for the FLP program and make a lot of friends in other departments, not only from GLOMAC. Also, there are many scholarships given to international students, so please look carefully and apply. Besides study, try to travel a lot inside in Japan!