Faculty of Global Management



Year of Enrollment September 2021

Please describe your hometown.

I come from a small town by the coast of Southern Sweden. It is a very different place from Tokyo. Very quaint and quiet with lots of nature right by the sea.

Among different universities in Japan, why did you choose the Faculty of Global Management at Chuo University?

I had previously come to Chuo University as an exchange student for one semester, and during that time, I fell in love with the campus and its location near nature. I stayed in Japan after the exchange ended and enrolled in Japanese language school. When I was there, a professor of mine recommended me to apply for GLOMAC as he had heard from previous students that it was a good program. So I did some research and found it very attractive and interesting so I applied.

What do you find interesting at GLOMAC?

There are many people from all places of the world in this faculty. Each with their own backgrounds, stories and values. I think this diverse set of students help us learn a lot from each other's cultures which is an important factor to be able to work in a global field. I feel really blessed to be a part of such an international faculty.

What are the challenges of international students in Japan?

I think there are several things that can be challenging for international students. First, and maybe the most obvious one is the language barrier. Even though the classes are taught in English at GLOMAC, you would need some proficiency in Japanese to be able to get through many aspects of your daily life. There are also cultural differences which can lead to some misunderstandings before you get used to them. So I think coming here with an open mind and a curiosity and eagerness in learning the Japanese culture are needed to overcome these challenges.

If you could explain GLOMAC in 3 words, what would they be?

Diversity, Friendship, Possibilties

What are your study or career plans for the future?

Since I have only yet experienced living in Japan as a student, I would like to challenge myself to work here and learn more about the Japanese work culture first hand so I am working hard at job hunting. Someday, I also want to further my studies by getting an MBA, preferably in marketing and advertising which is my seminar focus at GLOMAC.

Do you have any advice for international students who think of entering GLOMAC?

If you want to learn about business management and economics with a focus on the international scale together and study people from all around the world, I think you should definitely consider applying for this program.