Faculty of Global Management

SABJAN, Mohammad Haykal


Name SABJAN, Mohammad Haykal
Year of Enrollment September 2021

Please describe your hometown.

My hometown is Jakarta, a city where ancient and modern cultures seamlessly blend. Here, you will discover the true essence of Indonesia's warmth, resilience, and vibrant spirit.

Among different universities in Japan, why did you choose the Faculty of Global Management at Chuo University?

I chose Global Management at Chuo University because it provides me with a deep understanding of global management. Moreover, it also offers unique opportunities that are rarely found in other Japanese universities. For example, a chance to learn alongside students from diverse backgrounds, study in classes that are conducted in various languages, and also a chance to study abroad.

What do you find interesting at GLOMAC?

What I find interesting about GLOMAC is how the classes are conducted not only in Japanese which I think this is unique for a university in Japan.

What are the challenges of international students in Japan?

In my experience, the most challenging part for international students in Japan is the period when first arrived in Japan. Adapting to a new culture, language, and meeting new people can be a little bit overwhelming. However, as time passes, these challenges gradually can be resolved.

If you could explain GLOMAC in 3 words, what would they be?

Diverse, Global, Future

What are your study or career plans for the future?

In the future, I want to work in Japan and apply to my job what I have already learned at Chuo University and still continue to learn new things.

Do you have any advice for international students who think of entering GLOMAC?

My advice to international students who are still thinking about whether to enter GLOMAC or not is just to try to apply and you won't regret your decision. Also, you don't need to worry about anything related to everyday life in Japan as the school will help you with that.